Latest Newz from the Lab

7th June 2016
Avis aux amateurs de rap français réfléchi avec un gros background musical Fonk-Jazz : Rendez-vous lundi prochain 13 Juin pour la sortie de l'album de Reemk 80 : "Odyssée". Présentation Rap travaillé […]

30th May 2016
Today is the day of the official release of Sympli Whitney's Modern-Funk maxi «Get Enuff / Fresh Love». We tried to bring Modern-Funk at its finest with this 12" maxi vinyl, featuring shiny vocals of […]

25th December 2015
As you may know, Wadz decided to re-work and re-edit his former "Remix LPs" series, to create enhanced and re-mastered new versions of them. Volume 1 has been released before last summer, and volume 2 is […]

7th December 2015
Lyriciste qui a toujours travaillé sa rime urbaine dans l’éclectisme musical, ReemK puise son inspiration entre Funk, Rap Français, Hip-Hop de New York à L.A., et nous sert son premier opus à l'univers […]

15th September 2015
Released in the beginning of the summer in CD, Winfree's Funk/R&B album "Past, Present & Future" is now available on Bandcamp in digital format (MP3 or HQ FLAC), through this link. This album brings […]

6th July 2015
Today is the day, Winfree's new album "Past, Present & Future" (first full-length project for him on Fonkfatherz Records) is here ! Just in time for the summer, this album is the first full-length […]

1st July 2015
Falling right at the beginning of summer, Winfree is back with a new Modern-Funk and R&B/Soul project fully produced by Wadz, and titled "Past, Preseent & Future". Bringing together Winfree's main […]

7th June 2015
Wadz is back with enhanced new versions of his remixes (previously released on former "Remix LPs" albums in 2007/2008, and re-released on "Still On A Mission" in 2011), and here is, just for the […]